I2C-TEMP-is an I2C Temperature sensor card. We wanted an inexpensive I2C temperature which has Internet tutorials that . I wanted to play with a temperature sensor. And when the time came to choose one, I was amaze to see how many of those sensor exists.

Waveshare BMP3High Precision Barometric Pressure Sensor Accurate Altitude Tracing Temperature Measuring I2C SPI Interface Suited for Drones Altimeter . This Project demonstrates how to interface PSoC to an I2C temperature sensor. LMsensor at regular intervals of. As part of the ongoing series of articles on the I2C bus, in this article I address the LMtemperature sensor. This digital sensor has a programmable output port . These three folders have the libraries and example programs for EEPROM, OLED and Temperature Sensor peripherals on IO shield.
The I2C bus is a simple, . Humidity/ Temperature Sensors.